Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Preparing for Daycare

Now that I know where Charlotte is going to Daycare, I'm trying to get ready. Her Daycare is amazing! They are so excited about us breastfeeding and cloth diapering. A very supportive place.

I got to meet with the ladies, that are going to be taking care of Charlotte. They showed me where they are going to store my milk. And they are very excited that I work down the road. Because I'll be spending my lunch breaks with my little girl. We'll both be having our lunch together. :)

But I also got a good idea of what we'd need. I picked up some stuff. And there are still some things that I'm on the hunt for. Like bottles. You know, for when I'm working. I'm also considering some pacifiers. Things like that. But here is what I've gotten so far.

Lots and lots of Fuzzi Bunz! I know we're going to need these. And I mean lots! Like in 3 dozen just for Daycare.

And a wet bag. You know to put the Fuzzi Bunz in. I actually bought 4 different ones. But this is the one that is going to stay at Daycare.

And a diaper bag. You know to put everything in. :)

This is a really nice Daycare. And I'm so lucky to have found it. They are so excited to work with the parents. And are willing to do just about anything to make it easy on you. I'm so glad about this.

There are still some things I need to get. But being that I still have almost 3 months until my due date, I think I'm on the right track. Is there anything else that you'd recommend? H

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