Saturday, October 9, 2010

Polyvore Maternity Style

Yes, I've been "laboring" off and on, since yesterday afternoon. That's over 24 hours. And my midwife said, I still have a way to go, before I can head to the hospital. Just when I get really excited, my contractions all but completely stop! Ugh!

So tonight, while talking to Miss Charlotte, I decided to have a little bit of fun. I finally decided to make a new set on Polyvore. Here is my page. And this is the look I came up with.

You know, I just can't think of having to wear pants. I haven't worn pants in at least 2 weeks. I'm thinking it's been a lot longer. Everything that touches my belly, it annoys me. Clothes feel like they're strangling my body. No lie! So I have been wearing lots of dresses. Flowy dresses. With sandals. And I'm not a dress kind of a woman. Nope. All of the year before I got pregnant, I might have worn a dress 3 times.

But dresses have been my "go to," during my entire pregnancy. Love it! They're so comfy. And super easy! If I could just find some underwear that didn't bother me, we'd be perfect! Until then, I have Polyvore to play on. And maybe a nap to take. I didn't sleep much last night. H

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