Friday, May 21, 2010

21 Weeks

• Baby girl, your white blood cells are now being made. It’s a very good thing! They will help fight infections and diseases.
• Your skin has changed from being almost see through to more opaque. Like regular skin.
• My doctor says that your tongue is fully formed. She sad that you are probably practicing to give me a raspberry!
• It’s been a big week for you little girl! Your womb and vagina are formed. It’s pretty official that you’re a little girl. At this point will have 6 million eggs, it will go down to about 1 million by the time you are born. Believe me, that’s going to be more than enough!
• Baby girl you are swallowing more this week. When you “drink” in the amniotic fluid, your body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel. This is good practice for his digestive system! Your “Nana” tells me that this is really good! And I believe her. Because she takes care of all kinds of mommies and babies. :)
• You’re learning more about sleeping patterns. I hope this is a good thing! You wake up when I get to work and sleep more when we are at home. It’s starting to become a good pattern. My doctor is telling me that you’re setting your “internal” clock. Mostly because of my eating and sleeping.
• Your length is now measured from the crown of your head to your heel.
• And this week, you should be about 10.51 inches long and weigh almost 12.7 ounces. Not even a pound yet!

This week, I've been really tired. I just get tired doing simple things. And by the time work is over, I'm ready to go home and take a nap! I've begun to notice how my Baby Girl wakes up when I get to work. I can definitely feel the movement. And it's a pretty neat feeling! W and I have been spending our evenings outside. Just enjoying the weather. I notice that my Baby Girl settles down a lot. This is usually when I have long talks with my Baby Girl. The doctor tells me, this is probably when she's sleeping. H

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